Payroll benefits personnel,employment information all in one place

View your paystubs, W-2 and 1095C documents

Your paystubs, W-2 and 1095C documents can be found online by visiting Doculivery. All employees are encouraged to check paystubs each pay period to ensure all deductions and withholdings are correct. Additionally you are encouraged to opt in to receive current and prior year W-2 documents electronically. Effective tax year 2024, 1095C documents are only available electronically via Doculivery.


The Paperwork Burden Reduction Act of 2024 provides that employers are not required automatically to distribute Forms 1095-B and 1095-C to full-time employees and other employees enrolled in the health plan. You may receive a copy of the Form 1095 by submitting a written request to:

Logansport Community School Corporation

2829 George Street


Personnel Documents

We know life is busy and changes happen often. Whether you're needing to update your home address or bank account information, we have you covered. Below you will find a list of personnel forms. Find the one you need, print it out, complete it and return it to the LCSC Administration Building to the personnel department. Have questions related to personnel? Email

Name/Address Change Form - for anyone needing to update a home address or name change

Time Ticket

Absence Form - use anytime you take a personal, vacation, or sick leave day

W4 Federal Form - to update your federal withholdings

WH4 State Form - to update your state withholdings

Direct Deposit Form - update or add a new bank account

403b Form - start or make changes to your 403b account

HSA Salary Reduction Agreement

FMLA Notice Requirement

FMLA Request Form

Certified Employee PGP Tracking Sheet

PGP Experience Documentation Requirements

Sick Leave Bank Enrollment Form

Classified Employee Salary Schedules


We are proud to offer a competitive benefits package to all qualifying employees. Employees can view insurance plans and make changes when applicable by visiting the WVWCI School Trust Website.

Every employee who enrolls in health insurance through the district can visit our on-site Wellness Clinic. Clinic services are provided at no cost to participants, and all visits, formulary medication, and laboratory testing are provided at $0 out-of-pocket. Clinic services include onsite primary care, convenient care, annual physicals, medication dispensing, lab procedures, acute care visits for children age 2-10, and wellness screenings, disease education/management, by qualified personnel. Find more information about the health clinic here.

Questions about benefits? Contact our Insurance Coordinator, Lori Haney, at